QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 7 2005, 04:00 PM)
Today Level 1 @ 8 x 500(I
really look forward to this workout ... it's the most fun I have with the
Planned average pace: 1:50.55
Actual average pace:
1:50.11 (every piece negative split)
Improvement in average pace has gone
like this:
01OCT to 28OCT: pace improvement 4.32 sec. on the
28OCT to 07NOV: pace improvement 2.34 sec. on the
07NOV to 07DEC: pace improvement 1.23 sec. on
(all done exactly the same ... with 500M active recovery between
These are the first 3 times I have done the 8
x 500 L1 workout, so the larger improvement between the first two attempts was
really my settling into a pace that was work, but not impossible. I think
I'm now getting there, but I did use Mike's recommendation on how much to try to
improve based on the number of weeks between the attempts (if you've read his
posts here, you understand what I mean).
I probably could have
done this workout faster, but I keep hearing "baby steps, baby steps" every time
my Type A starts to take hold. Heck, I've got the rest of my life! I
also have 3 years before I hit the bottom of the next age group!
Next attempt will certainly be for an average
under 1:50, which will be a major mental accomplishment (seeing 1:49.X for every
interval), and, assuming success, a big motivator.
I'd be very interested
in results from others just starting the WP and how you've settled into your L2
(and L2 for that matter) pacing.
Mark for your improvements!
You are also quite special to find the L1 the
best part of the plan

For me, it is just the opposite; my preferences go
like this: L4 > L3 > L2 > L1
The L1 hurts so much that I need to be
mentally prepared to go through the pain.
The last time I did them, I average
1:39.5, which is very close to the fastest pace I can hold for three consecutive
strokes (1:36). Maybe that is why they hurt so much!
L2 are easier, and
the last time I did them, I average 1:47.9
L3 are a bit puzzling since I
do them at L4 pace at 22 spm (1:56 for me). Mike mentioned that they should be
done at 24-28 spm and that we should let the stroke develop naturally. The L4
dps feels so natural now that even my warm up, recovery and cool down are done
at L4 pace (16 to 20 spm).
What L3 pace and spm are you using, and how are
they related to L4 ?
We will hit the next age group at about the same
time, and since we are both LW, it is going to be interesting how things will