Dec 17 2005, 04:53 AM
I too have trouble keeping track of the L4
numbers. I have started listing the workout on a sheet of paper and keep it next
to the erg on a clipboard. I have 6 columns (one for each 10' piece) and in each
column is the length of each segment and the stroke rate. Elsewhere on the sheet
I keep the pace for each strokerate. I use a PM1 and just estimate splits. I
know when I'm slowing down.
I think the main thing is to hit the stroke
rates while pulling stong and focusing on proper technique. I also tend to
exceed my recommended pace in L4, so the paper helps to keep me focused on the
correct stroke rate. Good luck.
John Rupp
Dec 17 2005, 05:06 AM
A metronome is very helpful and useful.
If anyone
wants to use one then go ahead and use it.
This is just like anything
else. People can use a computer, or a telephone, or drive a car, or wear shoes,
or they can choose to not do those things.
Also it is hard for anyone to
know if they will like something, or if it will be helpful, before they have
first tried it for awhile to find out.
Dec 17 2005, 12:20 PM
QUOTE(nharrigan @ Dec 16 2005, 11:53 PM)
I too have trouble keeping
track of the L4 numbers. I have started listing the workout on a sheet of
paper and keep it next to the erg on a clipboard. I have 6 columns (one
for each 10' piece) and in each column is the length of each segment and the
stroke rate. Elsewhere on the sheet I keep the pace for each strokerate. I
use a PM1 and just estimate splits. I know when I'm slowing down.
I think the main thing is to hit the stroke rates while pulling stong
and focusing on proper technique. I also tend to exceed my recommended
pace in L4, so the paper helps to keep me focused on the correct stroke
rate. Good luck.
I am
fortunate to have a PM3 monitor. It allows me to put variable intervals (20"-
60'?) with variable rests from 0 to 9'59". I just learned about this option
during the past week.
I set up a sequence of 3'2'1'. I now can plan my
stroke rates base on how long each stroke rate should last. For instance this
week I set up the following sequenec: 20 spm at 3' 18 spm at 2' and 16 spm at '
When 3' appears when the new interval starts I know the sequence
is 20 spm, a 2' interval is a 18spm and 1' interval is 16 spm. With this set up
I can devise any number of sequences and as long as I assigned each stroke rate
a different time it is easy to remember which stroke rate I am on.
used this option for my 2x40' - I was able to program 20 intervals with 0'rest.
The PM3 allows a set up for up to 30 intervals.
If you don't have a PM3
you might want to consider an upgrade.
Ralph Giarnella
Dec 17 2005, 01:47 PM
You can set variable intervals with 0 rest
with the PM3? That is really great. I don't think you can on PM2. They have to
be the same length of time, though you can change the number of minutes they all
are, and the shortes rest period is 10 seconds. So I switched to just using the
splits, which at least have no rest between, of course, but you can't adjust
them unless you adjust them all. It would be a great help to me to be able to
set up the sequences as you described. This is really pushing me over the edge
to getting the PM3! I've been only doing the 2 min ones, because otherwise I
have no way of knowing if I'm truly hitting the targets or not. Since you can
hit the meters and correct average spm. over a 10 minute sequence, at my level
of experience I don't feel confident that using the totals over that time period
are helpful at judging whether I'm doing it right or not. You can come up with
the correct final numbers for a sequence without ever changing your stroke rate
or pace at all. And what good is that, if the whole point is to perform exactly
what the prescribed workout? Frankly, I don't see how I can properly do the L4
workout without "micromanaging" it. It's an extremely detailed plan and how can
you keep yourself on track and know if you are really doing it right if you
don't have a way of checking afterwards? If it is really bad to overstroke by
even one or two strokes in the course of an hour, how can you prevent that
without accurate quality control?
Thanks for the tip.
I'll shut up
Dec 17 2005, 03:11 PM
QUOTE(seat5 @ Dec 17 2005, 08:47 AM)
This is really pushing me
over the edge to getting the PM3! I've been only doing the 2 min ones, because
otherwise I have no way of knowing if I'm truly hitting the targets or
not. Since you can hit the meters and correct average spm. over a 10
minute sequence,
There is a
world of difference between the PM2 and the PM3. At the Ymca where I workout
they have 2 C2 B, 2 C2 C and 1 C2 D so I have had to opportunity to try all 3
monitors. There are so many more benefits to the PM3 over the PM2. Another
feature I like is called the Rerow. Once you set up a training session with
intervals time etc you can repeat the same session without having to reset the
computer. You could have several sessions set up and pick the one you want from
a list and just hit the rerow button.
The computer also stores the 10
most recent training sessions so that you can wait till the end of your
intervals to view the data.
I also like the graph which shows the contour
of your stroke. If you have a good stroke there is a nice even countour. If your
stroke is not smooth you can see it on the screen. I like to use the graph
during warm-ups to try and fine tune my drive. The PM3 costs 185.00 - you get a
$40.00 credit if you turn in your old monitor.
I am planning on getting
the software and the PM3 Log in Card so that I can down load my workouts onto my
computer. Your workouts are put into a spread sheet and just about every stat
you could possibly want is there to see. No more writing in a notebook and then
having to transfer the data manually to the computer.
Southington, CT
Mike Caviston
Dec 18 2005, 01:40 AM
QUOTE(seat5 @ Dec 16 2005, 10:56 PM)
You probably can't relate to someone who
seems to get so easily confused over what seems very simple and routine to you,
but there it is.
Actually, I’ve
coached dozens and dozens of people in just that position. Which is how I’ve
developed the advice that I have.
QUOTE(seat5 @ Dec 16 2005, 10:56 PM)
So I have been using a metrenome and
setting the PM2 for 30 min and then checking the meters and spm for each 2
minutesl to see how I did.
A point
I have been trying to get across – and that others have been echoing – is that
first you want to develop your own sense of rating before worrying too
much about the paces. You can’t develop your own internal sense of rating if you
are using an external cue as a crutch. When you row, look at the monitor. Work
to keep the stroke rate fairly consistent as displayed on the monitor. The
feedback won’t be perfect but it will be accurate enough. If you are relying on
the two-minute summaries from the PM2, you are
not getting accurate
information! Depending on where you are in the stroke as another two-minute
period begins, you might easily get credited for one more or one fewer stroke
than you actually took. Over longer periods, these discrepancies even out.
QUOTE(seat5 @ Dec 17 2005, 08:47 AM)
Frankly, I don't see how I can properly
do the L4 workout without "micromanaging" it. It's an extremely detailed
plan and how can you keep yourself on track and know if you are really doing it
right if you don't have a way of checking afterwards? If it is really bad
to overstroke by even one or two strokes in the course of an hour, how can you
prevent that without accurate quality control?
Please! What do
you think happens if you go a couple strokes over the limit – you lose all
training benefit? You turn into a pumpkin? What? I don’t know how many times I
can caution people against taking me too literally on many points. (Conversely,
on the point of Ref Pace which I wish you
would take literally…) My
advice continues to be to look at the meter total for each 10’ sequence and
compare it to the L4 tables. You might not be exactly on target but usually
within 5 meters one way or the other is pretty good. The important thing is to
be consistent when repeating the same sequence – you don’t want to be 15 meters
over one time and 10 meters under the next. When you are new to the program,
your meter totals will likely not be very consistent. That’s okay. Just keep
working to get the ratings correct by paying attention to the numbers you see on
the monitor. It’s easy to get a sense of whether you are overstroking your
target and if you feel that you are, ease up a bit. You’ll never know if you get
it exactly right but you don’t have to know with absolute precision. When you
have become comfortable with the different ratings, and with making switches
from one rating to the next – up and down – then you can focus more closely on
keeping the paces on target. They’ll never be perfectly on target either but
just work to be there most of the time and to deviate by no more than 1 sec/500m
on any given stroke. If your 10’ meter totals eventually come close to your
goals without going too far out of whack too often, you are doing as well as
anybody I know of. But if you refuse to start at the beginning, I expect you’ll
always be frustrated trying to do Level 4. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I
will be.
Mike Caviston
Dec 18 2005, 02:04 AM
I have started to reread Mike's posts on this thread, and
have noticed that for L3, he recommended that it should be continuous.
Previously, I had done 3x4k and 4x4k with 0:45 rest.
So tonight, I decided to
do a 60 min continuous piece. My goal pace was 1:55, since I had done 1:54 for
the 4x4k earlier this week. I started at 1:57, then about 4 minutes into the
row, started to see some 1:56 on the monitor, then some 1:55. 10 min into the
row, I was comfortably rowing at 1:54. Then, I stated to see 1:53 and 1:52. The
projected distance was getting increasingly close to 16000m! 15 minutes into the
row, I decided to go for it!
To make a long story short, I succeeded! I did
16031m at an average pace of 1:52.2 @ 24 spm
Here are my splits and stroke rates:
12:00 3123m 1:55.2 @ 23
24:00 3193m 1:52.7 @ 24
36:00 3221m 1:51.7 @ 24
48:00 3236m 1:51.2
@ 25
60:00 3255m 1:50.5 @ 25
Previous PB was 15712m (1:54.5 @ 27 spm).
That is, considerably slower and at a much higher spm! I could not imagine two
months ago that 1:52 @ 24 spm would become a comfortable pace!
radical improvements are not due to a better cardio, since I was training 3 to 4
hours a day for triathlons at the time; they are the results of the L4
L4 training is not only beneficial to your 2K, but IMO is
essential for performing at longer distances.
Happy training everyone,
and thanks again Mike!
Dec 18 2005, 02:17 PM
QUOTE(tennstrike @ Dec 16 2005, 08:46 AM)
Have fun. Never been to
Italy. Great that you were able to find the equipment. I'm going to be out west
after Christmas. Guess I'd better start looking now.
I'm not doing 500's
again for three weeks, with pyramid and 1K in between. I'm not dropping to 1:49,
though. I'll see how 1:49.5 goes. Steady incremental progress feels great. I'm a
little surprised you are dropping down 1.5 seconds. (Baby steps?) I think 1:49
will not be a problem with your 2K, it's just quite a drop.
pictures of things in Italy often do not tell the whole story. They were likely
stock photos from C2 Italy. The machines are poorly maintained Model Cs with
PM2s, which I have never used. How do I get a drag factor with a PM2? At damper
1, these feel like 10 on my D at home. Ouch!
Two workouts, so far, while
here. An L4 30' piece yesterday with 1K w-up and 2K cool down. I was trashed
from the trip and business I had to get done, so just under 10K and at least I
was able to get it in. Today, 10K of what I'd call fartkek ... warmup and cool
down included along with 1K pieces at L4 paces and rates, plus some 500s at
sub-2:00 just to have some fun. Still getting adjusted to the time change and
poor sleep. I'll have to take this into account if I ever travel overseas to
race with the friends I've made here on the web. 3 days is probably a good
period to get acclimated.
I will do the 500s that much faster because my
analysis showed that I was likely "dogging" my L1 and L2 workouts based on my PB
pace (I always felt I still had lots of gas in the tank after the L1 and L2
workouts I did before). I found it to be true when I did the 4 x 2000 last week.
I feel I've got that more in line now, and will take baby steps from
Ciao ... Marco
Dec 18 2005, 02:19 PM
QUOTE(Porkchop @ Dec 16 2005, 01:32 PM)
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 16 2005, 06:20 AM)
I had an 11:30 flight so I
got in a short 40' L4 with 1K warmup and cool down. I'm at the Rome
airport right now, after a late arrival. Waiting on my (rescheduled)
connecting flight. I've found a club about 20 to 30 minutes away from
where I'm staying that looks like it has relatively new model Ds, so I hope to
at least maintain while here. I'm on some personal business, so I do have
some free time and my schedule is my own.
My next 8 x 500 is planned for
1:49 average, which will be an improvement of about 1.5 seconds, if I can pull
it off. I think the L4 60' pieces really do help with shorter
distances. To me, the workouts often feel more like weight training than
pure aerobic training - supporting the whole "power per stroke"
-- Mark
they have PBR in Italy?
Dec 18 2005, 02:23 PM
QUOTE(Porkchop @ Dec 16 2005, 01:32 PM)
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 16 2005, 06:20 AM)
I had an 11:30 flight so I
got in a short 40' L4 with 1K warmup and cool down. I'm at the Rome
airport right now, after a late arrival. Waiting on my (rescheduled)
connecting flight. I've found a club about 20 to 30 minutes away from
where I'm staying that looks like it has relatively new model Ds, so I hope to
at least maintain while here. I'm on some personal business, so I do have
some free time and my schedule is my own.
My next 8 x 500 is planned for
1:49 average, which will be an improvement of about 1.5 seconds, if I can pull
it off. I think the L4 60' pieces really do help with shorter
distances. To me, the workouts often feel more like weight training than
pure aerobic training - supporting the whole "power per stroke"
-- Mark
they have PBR in Italy?
but very good selection of beers here ... excellent!
Dec 18 2005, 06:24 PM
The machines are poorly maintained Model
Cs with PM2s, which I have never used. How do I get a drag factor with a PM2? At
damper 1, these feel like 10 on my D at home. Ouch!
Hold down
OK button , then press
REST to have a drag factor displayed in
the lower right display window. Repeating this button sequence will turn off the
drag factor display.
I had the same experience in Boston with 2 run down
C erg's at Gold's gym. Not only were they run down but the monitors did not
Ciao! Ralph
Dec 19 2005, 03:55 PM
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 18 2005, 08:17 AM)
OK, pictures of things
in Italy often do not tell the whole story. They were likely stock photos
from C2 Italy. The machines are poorly maintained Model Cs with PM2s,
which I have never used. How do I get a drag factor with a PM2? At
damper 1, these feel like 10 on my D at home. Ouch!
Two workouts,
so far, while here. An L4 30' piece yesterday with 1K w-up and 2K cool
down. I was trashed from the trip and business I had to get done, so just
under 10K and at least I was able to get it in. Today, 10K of what I'd
call fartkek ... warmup and cool down included along with 1K pieces at L4 paces
and rates, plus some 500s at sub-2:00 just to have some fun. Still getting
adjusted to the time change and poor sleep. I'll have to take this into
account if I ever travel overseas to race with the friends I've made here on the
web. 3 days is probably a good period to get acclimated.
I will do
the 500s that much faster because my analysis showed that I was likely "dogging"
my L1 and L2 workouts based on my PB pace (I always felt I still had lots of gas
in the tank after the L1 and L2 workouts I did before). I found it to be
true when I did the 4 x 2000 last week. I feel I've got that more in line
now, and will take baby steps from here.
Ciao ... Marco
has given you the answer on the PM2. I used a PM3 in the U.K. and actually
prefer my "good old" PM2. Above the OK it also says Ready. The five setting on
mine is about 150, which has not really been used all that much except for the
last six months.
On the U.K. site there is a document I have downloaded
"Indoor Rowing Training Guide_v2.pdf". There is quite a bit of useful (and of
course useless) information in it, including full instructions on how a PM2
operates. You can find it at
http://www.concept2.co.uk/guide/downloads.php. It is a 6.2 MB
file, however. That, along with the basic Wolverine Plan and the collected
postings of Mike are a very useful reference folder.
I think your
assessment on the 500's is right. You'll have no problem with the 1:49. I've
just read one of Mike's most recent posts "Training with the WP should include 6
workouts per week or more . . ." which is not surprising coming from a 180Km per
week coach. I'm just going to have to find another day and move up to six. The
added volume should allow me to increase the L1 and L2 work and still stay at a
reasonable percentage of overall meters. Counting recovery rowing at 2:41, my 5
workouts are now around 50Km and the sixth should bring that to just over 60Km
if it's a 40' L4. It will be nice to have three L4 workouts in a week. After
about 4 weeks, I'll move my L1 and L2 up to four pieces, probably on alternate
I'll bet you're glad to at least find some equipment to
Dec 19 2005, 06:21 PM
QUOTE(ragiarn @ Dec 18 2005, 01:24 PM)
The machines are poorly maintained Model
Cs with PM2s, which I have never used. How do I get a drag factor with a PM2? At
damper 1, these feel like 10 on my D at home. Ouch!
Hold down
OK button , then press
REST to have a drag factor displayed in
the lower right display window. Repeating this button sequence will turn off the
drag factor display.
I had the same experience in Boston with 2 run down
C erg's at Gold's gym. Not only were they run down but the monitors did not
Ciao! Ralph
I'll try it "domani".
Dec 19 2005, 09:32 PM
Just some Wolverine Plan personal comments.
don't follow the Wolverine Plan Level 4 progression as intended, which probably
means I don't follow the Wolverine Plan. I also adjust my Level 4 reference pace
and other level paces based on current 2k ability.
Level 1.
4 x 1k:
I have been doing this session with 5 minutes rest, which was based on a 2:11
recovery pace plus the time it might take to reset the PM2, right down my time,
etc. I have a hard time getting the recovery meters rowed in a reasonable time
so, to ensure I start fairly consistently, I use the time element for the rest
period. The session forces me to concentrate from the point where the suffering
begins. I have caught myself using my upper body to get the pace intead of using
my legs.
8 x 500 meters: Really good session if I am really
sleepy. I know I will get breaks quickly. Not as productice as 4 x 1k. Can give
a false sense of 2k ability.
pyramid to and from 1000 meters: Not
exactly sure how to pace. Very difficult after the 1k.
There is a another
session I have not tried yet but may attempt as a build up to getting all 4 x
1ks under 1:35. It is 3 x 1k, 2 x 750m, 1 x 500m with 5 minutes rest. I can now
probably get 3 of the 1k's under 1:35 but the fourth may not be possible. I will
probably attempt this session on my next Level 1 since I am planning now on a
1:35 goal pace and want to move away from the 1:36 pace.
Level 2
5 x 1500
meters: The session begins in the fourth and fifth piece.
2.5k, 2k: Just knowing each one is getting shorter helps push myself when I
get worn down.
12k. Can sometimes put me to sleep. I really try and just row
the pace of 1.156 multiplied by 2k ability since there is a tendency to go too
fast and not finish or to go too fast and be to worn down for the next day's
15 x 3 minutes with 1 minute rest. Starts out innocently
but can become very taxing starting with the eighth piece.
Level 4:
There are a number
of Level 4 sessions I do, particularily 200 200 200 200 and 116 116 116 128 128
140. I think Level 4 works for the same reason why weight lifters and body
builders change their weight training sessions so as to keep the body from going
into a rut and to keep it guessing.
There are a number of times where I
am about to fall asleep during a 12k so, I have learned to do a Level 4 session
I have not recorded each 6-minute or 10-minutes session. I can
tell during the piece if I am hitting it or not. I gave thought to seeing the
accuracy of my effort since I now have access to a PM3. There are a number of
times where I might be faster that the given pace and spm and sometimes the spm
might go a stroke higher than necessary. The pace displayed is not exact. The
pace for 1:52 is actually between 1:51.5 and 1:52.4. It would be unreasonable to
try and be exact and more reasonable to give yourself a parameter window to
determine your accuracy.
Metrodome? Never tried it or thought about it
for that matter. I don't know how it would help with Level 4 since the spm
varies as opposed to a metrodome remaining constant.
Dec 19 2005, 11:03 PM
Metrodome? Never tried it or thought
about it for that matter. I don't know how it would help with Level 4 since the
spm varies as opposed to a metrodome remaining constant.
It's not recommended to use
one anyway. But I have a programmable metrenome, so all I have to do is reach
down and tap a button and it gives me the new spm beat. If I could find the book
that goes with the thing, I could program it to do the whole workout to change
the beat correctly for every interval in a given sequence. But that's a pretty
big IF!
Dec 20 2005, 03:25 AM
QUOTE(Thomas @ Dec 19 2005, 08:32 PM)
Just some Wolverine Plan personal
I don't follow the Wolverine Plan Level 4 progression as
intended, which probably means I don't follow the Wolverine Plan. I also
adjust my Level 4 reference pace and other level paces based on current 2k
1.4 x 1k: I have been doing this session with 5
minutes rest, which was based on a 2:11 recovery pace plus the time it might
take to reset the PM2, right down my time, etc. I have a hard time getting
the recovery meters rowed in a reasonable time so, to ensure I start fairly
consistently, I use the time element for the rest period. The session
forces me to concentrate from the point where the suffering begins. I have
caught myself using my upper body to get the pace instead of using my
8 x 500 meters: Really good session if I am really
sleepy. I know I will get breaks quickly. Not as productice as 4 x
1k. Can give a false sense of 2k ability.
pyramid to and from
1000 meters: Not exactly sure how to pace. Very difficult after
the 1k.
There is a another session I have not tried yet but may attempt
as a build up to getting all 4 x 1ks under 1:35. It is 3 x 1k, 2 x 750m, 1
x 500m with 5 minutes rest. I can now probably get 3 of the 1k's under
1:35 but the fourth may not be possible. I will probably attempt this
session on my next Level 1 since I am planning now on a 1:35 goal pace and want
to move away from the 1:36 pace.
Level 25 x 1500
meters: The session begins in the fourth and fifth piece.
2.5k, 2k: Just knowing each one is getting shorter helps push myself when I
get worn down.
312k. Can sometimes put me to sleep. I really try and
just row the pace of 1.156 multiplied by 2k ability since there is a tendency to
go too fast and not finish or to go too fast and be to worn down for the next
day's session.
15 x 3 minutes with 1 minute rest. Starts out
innocently but can become very taxing starting with the eighth
4:There are a number of Level 4 sessions I do, particularily 200 200
200 200 and 116 116 116 128 128 140. I think Level 4 works for the same
reason why weight lifters and body builders change their weight training
sessions so as to keep the body from going into a rut and to keep it guessing.
There are a number of times where I am about to fall asleep during a 12k
so, I have learned to do a Level 4 session instead.
What reference pace are you using for Level 4? I don't quite
understand how you adjust your other level paces.
Regarding L4 sessions,
I think it would be beneficial if you incrementally increase them to 60 minutes
and add some variety in your sequences; BTW I also like sequence 200!
L3, I agree that they can be boring! You could try 4x3k or 3x4k with 30 to 45
sec rest, and go at a slightly faster pace. At your level (2K in 6:20) 12 k is
the bare minimum; IMO you would benefit from a longer continuous row, up to 20k,
once a week.
Don't neglect the 4 x 2k Level 2! Isn't it the distance we
are supposed to race eventually ?

Just my 2 cents.
Dec 20 2005, 08:00 AM
Hi Francios,
What reference pace are you using
for Level 4? Currently, 1:36. I would like to do a 2k by the end of the
month to get a look-and-see of where I am at. My goal for the WIRC is to row
I don't quite understand how you adjust your other level
paces. For 12k, I use the formula of 1.156 multiplied by 2k pace. For Level
2, it is 1.083 multiplied by your 2k pace, which is a good place to start. Level
1, 4 x 1k is done at race pace and 8 x 500 is done at about 4 to 6 seconds
faster than my 2k pace.
Regarding L4 sessions, I think it would be
beneficial if you incrementally increase them to 60 minutes and add some variety
in your sequences; BTW I also like sequence 200! During the summer, I was
doing alot of longer stuff and found that I was neglecting Level 1 and Level 2
sessions. I was getting some personal bests, like for 60-minutes. I have done a
hour of 116 (3' @ 18spm, 2' @ 20 spm, 1' @ 22 spm), which was good. I would
rather keep Level 4 to 40-mintues and Level 3 at 12k (usually between 44 and 45
minutes) and at 15 x 3 minutes with 1 minute rest (takes 59-minutes to complete
45-minutes of work).
For L3, I agree that they can be boring! You
could try 4x3k or 3x4k with 30 to 45 sec rest, and go at a slightly faster pace.
At your level (2K in 6:20) 12 k is the bare minimum; IMO you would benefit from
a longer continuous row, up to 20k, once a week. I think there is a point
where I can do too much steady rowing. 12k is alot for me. I may consider a
1-hour row which would generate over 16k meters. The suggested break-up is to do
2 x 6k to build confidence if 12k is too intimidating.
Don't neglect
the 4 x 2k Level 2! Isn't it the distance we are supposed to race eventually ?
I am not sure if 4 x 2k is better than either 5 x 1500 meters or 3k, 2.5k,
Dec 23 2005, 05:56 AM
I had to look forever trough this thread to find the
pacing suggestions for the Level 2 Pyramid. I'm glad I did though. It's tougher
to negative split this workout than just hit an average. I've been sporadically
working out since we had our fourth baby last month, and now I think I'm able to
get back to it now, although my paces need adjusting. My best average on this
before was 1:52.9, so I set tonight's goal at 1:54 using Mike's negative split
3.0k Goal 1:54.4 Act 1:54.3
2.5k Goal 1:54.0 Act
2.0k Goal 1:53.4 Act 1:53.3 (Harder than I thought it would be after
the first two sets)
Total Goal 1:54.0 Act 1:53.9
Hopefully I can
set the paces on these first workouts back so that I don't put the handle down
at any time. (Well, maybe at the end).
I still have some big meters to
put in before Saturday at Midnight to get my 200k, but it shouldn't be a problem
with two workouts on Saturday.
Mike Caviston
Dec 27 2005, 01:20 AM
Why Interval Training?
The heart of the
Wolverine Plan is the sub-2k paced Level 1 workouts. These, along with Level 2
workouts, are performed using the interval format – i.e., with periods of
high-intensity work separated by periods of low/moderate intensity recovery. The
interval format can be manipulated (length & intensity of work &
recovery intervals) to target specific aspects of physiology (alactic,
glycolytic or aerobic energy pathways). I am a big fan of interval training
because it allows us to simultaneously increase intensity and reduce fatigue
relative to the same amount of work performed using a continuous format. I might
be able to do a continuous 4000m at roughly 350W. Breaking the total into 1000m
intervals with appropriate recovery, I might average over 400W and by doing the
work in 500m increments I might average more than 450W for the same total
When training to maximize performance of 2K, the major effects
we are looking for are to improve energy production (aerobic + anaerobic) as
well as increase resistance to fatigue (i.e., improve endurance). When
prescribing a training program, the primary variables to manipulate are
frequency, intensity, and duration . (For the purposes of this
discussion, let’s ignore other factors that will specifically impact rowing,
like stroke rate and drag factor.) Frequency refers to number of sessions per
week. Intensity refers to pace (measured in sec/500m or Watts on the erg, but
quantified during other activities using such markers as velocity, %VO2 max, or
heart rate) Duration represents total training volume (which I would express in
meters but in some training programs might be represented by total time
spent training). A single workout can be quantified by a combination of
intensity and duration. Some workouts will be designed to primarily improve
endurance, and these will consist of fairly long rows (40-90’) at an intensity
sustainable for those durations. For these workouts a higher intensity is
preferable to a lower intensity but the intensity must be low enough to allow
prolonged, continuous muscle activation that will stimulate the peripheral
adaptations associated with greater endurance. Other workouts will feature short
periods of work to allow much greater intensity. What I want to stress here is
the importance of intensity in triggering training effects associated
with greater energy production. Intensity can never be discussed in complete
isolation from duration. For example, doing 30 seconds @ 650W would be pretty
intense, but the period isn’t long enough to stimulate any significant
adaptations (or nobody would be able to use lack of time as an excuse for not
being in top shape). So when designing a workout to maximize intensity, for full
training effect there will be some minimal duration that must be
Promoting intensity is the key to eliciting a maximal training
response. There are other considerations, and a smart athlete will look at the
intensity of a given workout in the context of the total training load, the
amount of recovery between truly intense sessions, the appropriate intensity for
a given point in the season, the ability to maintain proper technique, etc. But
in general the goal is to maximize intensity (or at least increase intensity
relative to previous performances) for the necessary duration. In the case of
2K, the appropriate duration for a race-pace workout (i.e., Level 1 in the WP)
is approximately 150-250% of race distance, or 3-5K of total work at race pace
or faster. The work periods should consist of intervals of 250-1000m. Shorter
intervals or fewer total meters will require higher intensity; longer intervals
or more total meters require lower intensity, relatively speaking (but intensity
must still be at least race pace). In the WP, I avoid doing more than a few
intervals less than 500m in length. An occasional all-out 250m is fun and a
chance to push the upper limits, but these rely more on the alactic
(phosphocreatine) pathway and less on the rapid glycolytic pathway, and have
less application to 2K performance. It is an ego boost to fly through 16 x 250m
@ 2K – 5, but someone who relies only on this distance for 2K speed work is in
for a rude awakening when they get into the second 500m of an actual race. On
the other hand, using distances greater than 1K @ 2K pace provide a great
training stimulus, but are difficult if not impossible to sustain for more than
one interval, and will probably leave you too fatigued to finish a workout at
the desired pace even if the remaining intervals are considerably shorter. I
have experimented with sessions that incorporate a 1250m piece into the format,
but experience has led me to set 1K as the upper distance limit for Level 1
intervals. Combining all the Level 1 formats I use in the general proportions
that I use them, the average length of Level 1 intervals in my own training is
roughly 650m. After the work interval, recovery periods should be adequate to
allow maintenance of intensity for the entire session. It is practical to keep
the recovery intervals from being longer than necessary, but once intensity is
compromised the maximum benefit of the workout is lost. I have discussed
recovery (active vs. passive, etc.) at some length, but as a reminder my rule of
thumb is recover long enough to maintain intensity, but not so long as to begin
cooling down.
There are many types of studies on performance that
highlight the importance of maintaining proper intensity to stimulate optimal
results. For example, the current model for altitude training is “Live High,
Train Low” (LHTL). Athletes only need to spend a couple hours a day at higher
altitudes to stimulate the adaptations that may positively affect endurance
performance (e.g., increased hematocrit). But training at high altitude results
in lower training intensity (less oxygen = less aerobic energy) and if continued
long enough results in poorer overall performance despite the hypoxic
adaptations. (Believe what you want, but the Coloradans who spend most of their
time in the mountains before coming down to race at sea level are at a
disadvantage to the rest of us.) The reverse of high altitude training is
Very Low Altitude Training – simulated by allowing athletes to
artificially breath air that consists of say, 60% O2 (vs. the normal 21%). This
allows more O2 to be dissolved in the plasma and delivered to the muscles during
training, and results in greater training intensities relative to breathing
normal air. Athletes that perform VLAT (this has been studies in laboratories
using cyclists) are able to perform better under normoxic conditions (21%
O2) vs. doing the same training (total volume, interval formats, etc.) while
breathing normal air. Simply stated, greater training intensity results in
better performance. Many people misinterpret the “value” of ergogenic aids like
EPO, creatine, and anabolic steroids. (Personally, I don’t condone the use of
any supplements, legal or otherwise.) But the reason these treatments can
have a major impact in some cases is not that the athlete uses them just before
a race and is magically transformed. Those pro cyclists that abuse EPO (and hope
to beat their drug tests) don’t just sit home on their butts all year. They put
in the miles just like everyone else. But they are able to work harder than
without drugs and so stimulate greater training effects.
The reason
interval training is such a valuable training tool is that it allows us to
“cheat” in such a way that we can work harder than we could using other formats
– thereby increasing overall training effects on the various energy pathways.
The workouts in the Wolverine Plan are designed to favor a requisite amount of
quality, high-intensity training. The specific formats I created were greatly
influenced by the work of Edward L. Fox, a professor and researcher at Ohio
State University in the 60s-70s. Fox provided a lot of useful information
regarding interval training and provided many examples of workouts for athletes
concentrating on performance in various distances in running and swimming. I
adapted some of Fox’s examples to a rowing format based on competing at 2000m. I
also gave consideration to practicality in some cases, such as whether the
workout would fit into a given time frame or how simple it would be to run for a
group of athletes (i.e., team training).
To review my guidelines for
Level 1 workouts (nothing new here but maybe consolidated and clarified for
everyone’s benefit):
Warm up thoroughly (see previous discussions). Limit
Level 1 sessions to once per week, but include them year-round. At the beginning
of a training cycle, the Level 1 8 x 500m pace will be roughly the previous
year’s best 2K (perhaps even a little faster but I would suggest no more than
one second). The idea is to begin to build speed but only in proportion to
overall fitness and to build at a rate that will be sustainable until the
season’s final race. Various Level 1 formats include 8 x 500m, 5 x 750m, 4 x 1K,
and Pyramid (250m/500m/750m/1K/750m/500m/250m). I rotate among the different
formats but make sure to include 4 x 1K every second or third week. This is the
most physically and mentally demanding format, but in my opinion, also the most
effective. It is the single workout that best predicts for me how fast I can
pull a 2K. The general pacing strategy is to even- or negative-split each
individual interval, as well as all intervals across the entire workout.
(More elaborate pacing guidelines have previously been explained.) The general
rule of thumb for recovery is to allow 5 minutes total time (work + recovery)
for each 500m of work. For example, do 8 x 500m on 5’ centers: start the piece,
finish the piece, perform recovery, and start the second piece 5’ after starting
the first (i.e., the entire workout can be completed within 40’). Use 10’
centers for 4 x 1K; do the math yourself to figure out the Pyramid. Actually,
I’m not that strict about time when training on my own; I developed the firm
time limits for use with group workouts. My procedure is to finish a piece,
catch my breath for a moment and record my scores, perform active recovery for
the same distance as the previous work interval (just hit “ReRow” on the PM3),
take another moment to set the work interval and get mentally prepped, and take
off again. If there’s a little variation in recovery time from one piece to the
next or one workout to the next, so be it. My first priority is to hit my target
splits, and as I get faster and in better shape, I may need even more recovery
to keep getting faster. I let the recovery period extend to as much as 2 ½ times
as long as the work period if necessary.
Standing vs. running starts:
It is possible to set the PM2 or PM3 for a work distance and a recovery
time. The advantage is that you get a clearly defined recovery period and may
avoid wasting time dilly-dallying between intervals while futzing with your
footstraps or your towel, trying to squeeze out a few more seconds to get
psyched up to go again. I don’t think the extra time taken is necessarily
reducing the training benefit, but psychologically you do have to get ready to
meet deadlines. Races start with or without you, ready or not. With a set
recovery time, you can also use the running start to accelerate into the piece
(i.e., build up the momentum of the flywheel before the work period begins). If
done properly, this can be a good way to settle immediately into your desired
pace and practice holding a nice even split for the duration. If abused, you can
use a running start to get the flywheel spinning so fast that your initial pace
as the work period begins is artificially and drastically reduced, giving you
credit for a faster time than you could achieve from a standing start. Even that
is okay as long as you are consistent and aren’t fooling yourself with your fast
numbers. (With the PM3, it is much harder to “cheat” the start than with the
PM2.) Using a standing start means letting the flywheel come close to a halt
before beginning the work interval, as at the start of a race. (The flywheel
doesn’t have to come to an absolute standstill; just allow 10-15 seconds
to let it slow down considerably so that it feels heavy on the pickup.) No set
recovery time is entered into the monitor; just start each piece when you are
ready. Standing starts give you a chance to practice racing starts, which many
people overlook during training and which may come back to bite them during the
Big Race. I like to practice getting a solid but smooth start, and to settle
into my goal pace as quickly and efficiently as possible. – So anyway, standing
vs. running starts each have their merit, but having experimented with each I
prefer to do as many standing starts as possible.
Relationship between
paces for different workouts:
As I try to keep stressing, don’t give
too much thought to the pace of one workout vs. another. Be aware of the
relationships, but don’t obsess. Over the course of the season, work to maximize
your performance for each workout and by the end of the year chances are things
will have fallen into harmony. In general, the pace for 8 x 500m will be about
2K – 3. The pace for the Pyramid (overall average) will be about a half second
slower than 8 x 500m. The pace for 5 x 750m will be about 1.5 sec slower than 8
x 500m. The pace for 4 x 1K will be about 3 seconds slower than 8 x 500m (or
about the same as 2K). These are generalizations, and a certain amount of
variation from person to person is normal.
Stroke rates: previously
Alternate formats:
There’s no particular reason why
workouts have to be formatted by distance (500m increments, etc.) Time would
work just as well. Mentally I just prefer watching meters count down rather than
seconds (and I think a scientific poll would find the majority of athletes feel
the same). But if you wanted to construct a workout based on time, you could do
it using the general guidelines explained above: total time approximately
150-250% of 2K time; each interval roughly 25-50% of 2K time; work-recovery
ratio approximately 1 to 2.5. While I haven’t done it much in recent years, one
format I used to do regularly is 15 x 1’ work/1’ recovery. This tends to violate
some of the guidelines I’ve already given (short intervals, short recovery – no
time for active recovery) but if your 2K pace is faster than 1:52.5 you end up
doing more than 4K total and all in 29 minutes. The short work intervals are
balanced by the short recovery intervals and the overall pace will be pretty
similar to 8 x 500m. Done at max capacity, the workout can be a real mindf—k as
the work minutes take about half an hour while the recovery minutes go by in the
blink of an eye. The only problem is you really have to do it a few times to
figure out what pace to use for your best performance, and as I’ve explained I
don’t think too much short interval work is that useful for 2K.
Level 2
These are longer in duration than Level 1 workouts and so must be
performed at slower paces, yet they are still rather intense and all things
considered are at least as mentally tough as Level 1. The formats described in
the WP include 4 x 2K, 3K/2.5K/2K, and 5 x 1500m. Depending on the format and
time of year, pace during these workouts may be 90% or more of 2K Watts. A rough
estimate of 4 x 2K pace at the start of a training cycle would be 2K + 8. Pace
for 3K/2.5K/2K will be pretty similar to 4 x 2K, though maybe half a second
slower. Pace for 5 x 1500m is a half to a full second faster than 4 x 2K. A
general rule of thumb for 4 x 2K is to allow 15’ (work + recovery) for each
interval. Start the second piece 15’ after starting the first one. Or, simply
allow 6-8’ recovery after each interval for all formats (a little more for a
longer piece and a little less for shorter). Use about 5’ of active recovery and
the remaining time spent paddling or stretching.
Whew – I think I just
burned off my Christmas calories while typing this!
Mike Caviston
Dec 27 2005, 03:57 AM
... today ...
LEVEL 1 with 4 x
Target average: 1:50.35.
Last average (17NOV05):
Target improvement: -2.15 seconds on average.
Today's average
(actual): 1:53.08.
RESULTS: Not good!
What was I
My target was 1:50.5 / 1:50.4 / 1:50.3 / 1:50.2
I did:
1:50.4 / 1:51.7 / 1:54.3 / 1:55.9
I blew up after #1. It was all uphill
from there.
This was too large of an improvement to go for, obviously. I
have also had a bad couple of weeks of training due to travel. Average meters
off by 50% or more.
Then, when I looked at my 1K PB, done on 12NOV05, it
is 3:36.2 (or 1:48.1).
Probably should have cranked up the pace on #1,
set a new PB, and called it a day for the L1 ... and turned it into an L3 or L4
Felt guilty for poor performance on the L1, so did a 5K (L3 pace)
piece this evening.
I believe I've found the limits of my current
training (or it was just a bad day). No simple answers here, eh?
I'd be
very interested in everyone's perspective on how fast training benefits can fall
off (and to what extent) when one's training gets impaired in some way
(intentionally or unintentionally).
-- Mark
Dec 27 2005, 05:26 AM
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 27 2005, 02:57 AM)
I'd be very interested in everyone's
perspective on how fast training benefits can fall off (and to what extent) when
one's training gets impaired in some way (intentionally or
-- Mark
Don't be discouraged by this little setback. Tell yourself that you
are in this erging activity for the long run.
From my perspective, the first
thing one loses when training gets impaired, is speed. Endurance takes much
longer to acquire and much longer to lose, and for me, is much more valuable.
Why? Because, the more endurance I have, the better I feel. On the other hand, I
find little correlation between my well-being and speed improvements at short
events (i.e less than 3 minutes).
If I were you, I would concentrate for
the next 2 or 3 weeks on good L4 and L3 workouts with only one L2 session per
Just my 2 cents!
Dec 27 2005, 05:33 AM
QUOTE(FrancoisA @ Dec 27 2005, 12:26 PM)
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 27 2005, 02:57 AM)
I'd be very interested in everyone's
perspective on how fast training benefits can fall off (and to what extent) when
one's training gets impaired in some way (intentionally or
-- Mark
Don't be discouraged by this little setback. Tell yourself that you
are in this erging activity for the long run.
From my perspective, the first
thing one loses when training gets impaired, is speed. Endurance takes much
longer to acquire and much longer to lose, and for me, is much more valuable.
Why? Because, the more endurance I have, the better I feel. On the other hand, I
find little correlation between my well-being and speed improvements at short
events (i.e less than 3 minutes).
If I were you, I would concentrate for
the next 2 or 3 weeks on good L4 and L3 workouts with only one L2 session per
Just my 2 cents!
agree with Francois.
Based on your 2k times you should be able to easily
break 19.30 for the 5k and go under 40.00 for the 10k.
Might be time to
do some more endurance work.
Good Luck,
Dec 27 2005, 11:09 AM
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 27 2005, 03:57 AM)
... today ...
LEVEL 1 with 4 x
Target average: 1:50.35.
Last average
(17NOV05): 1:52.5.
Target improvement: -2.15 seconds on average.
average (actual): 1:53.08.
RESULTS: Not good!
What was I
My target was 1:50.5 / 1:50.4 / 1:50.3 / 1:50.2
I did:
1:50.4 / 1:51.7 / 1:54.3 / 1:55.9
I'd be very interested in
everyone's perspective on how fast training benefits can fall off (and to what
extent) when one's training gets impaired in some way (intentionally or
-- Mark
For hard training (level 1 for you) you have to be 100% fit and
ready, if you are not then you have to be realistic and don's ask yourself to
perform something imposseble.
For me a very important factor is the way I
feel. Althoug I do have a trainingplan and pace for my worksouts are is never
100% strickt. I adjust if a feel not good enough.
Just keep on training

, 2 steps forward and sometimes 1 back
raymond botha
Dec 27 2005, 12:41 PM
Hi Mark,
I think we made the same mistake , hit LT too
soon. I did an 8x500 @ 1:39.4 which I felt I could hold for the distance. At the
5 rep I tried to neg split and hit LT , downhill from there. I find I perform
better starting conservative and neg spliting from there . Heres an
1:39.3 Should have started @ 1:40
1:38.7 Hit LT (burn)
1:39.2 Was all out
1:41.7 Included a spell @ 2.00 ! and a last pitch @ 1.36 for last 15
Ave 1:39.5 *** Not much of an improvement considering the faster
start !
Ave HR 167
Ave SPM 31
Perceived effort 11/10
* DF 105
Now check a more gradual (conservative
1:39.9 ***
Ave HR 167
Ave SPM 31
Peceived effort 8/10
* DF 135
Point here Mark is you talk about gains tailing off, I found it hard to
pull @ 1:39 stoke let alone hold it for 500m on a lower DF! Which makes me think
a more conservative neg splitting is a better way for me.
You'll do
better next time , amazing how the body remembers these days
Good luck
Dec 27 2005, 01:03 PM
Thanks all!
Intuitively, it does seem like I need
to do more L3 and L4 work to build my aerobic base. I probably also need to
start adding some HMs to my training. My longest (continuous) rows are 60' L4
sessions and some 12K L3 sessions.
TomR/the elder
Dec 27 2005, 05:03 PM
You say your results were "not good.' I say
they look "predictable."
A 2 second/500 M improvement is an ENORMOUS
jump. It's no surprise you blew up.
Do the level 1's every week, or
every other week. Go for small improvements--less than half a second/500.
Endurance work always helps, but you're not suddenly going to go lots
faster unless you train to go faster. Be realistic about what you've prepared
yourself to accomplish when you sit down on the machine.
Fast Forward
Dec 27 2005, 06:36 PM
QUOTE(Mike Caviston @ Dec 26 2005, 05:20 PM)
Why Interval Training? The
heart of the Wolverine Plan is the sub-2k paced Level 1 workouts. ...
Limit Level 1 sessions to once per week, but include them year-round...
This is the
first place I have encountered someone who advocates high intensity (race pace
or higher) workouts all year 'round. While I personally like the idea myself (I
find it more interesting to do an intense interval workout than long, slow
ones), I'm curious why you believe this to be the right approach.
Dec 27 2005, 06:52 PM
QUOTE(Fast Forward @ Dec 27 2005, 09:36 AM)
QUOTE(Mike Caviston @ Dec 26 2005, 05:20 PM)
Why Interval Training? The
heart of the Wolverine Plan is the sub-2k paced Level 1 workouts. ...
Limit Level 1 sessions to once per week, but include them year-round...
This is the
first place I have encountered someone who advocates high intensity (race pace
or higher) workouts all year 'round. While I personally like the idea myself (I
find it more interesting to do an intense interval workout than long, slow
ones), I'm curious why you believe this to be the right approach.
I certainly
can't speak for Mike, but 1 interval session/week out of 6+ weekly sessions
would be hard to classify as "excessive", and would also keep addaptive value of
those intervals high. It seems to fit in nicely with the overall plan that is
steady progress throughout the "cycleless year".
Plus, as some have
mentioned, "going real fast is fun"
TomR/the elder
Dec 27 2005, 07:02 PM
Peter Coe, the father and trainer of distance runner Seb
Coe, wrote, "Middle-distance racing is about endurance and speed together. . .
.One of our maxims has been that if speed is important never venture very far
away from it." (p. 181, "Better Training for Distance Runners," Human
Coe and co-author David Martin include race pace workouts
year-round in their training plan, although the proportion of speed work
increases as racing season approaches.
Fast Forward
Dec 27 2005, 07:26 PM
QUOTE(PaulS @ Dec 27 2005, 10:52 AM)
QUOTE(Fast Forward @ Dec 27 2005, 09:36 AM)
QUOTE(Mike Caviston @ Dec 26 2005, 05:20 PM)
Why Interval Training? The
heart of the Wolverine Plan is the sub-2k paced Level 1 workouts. ...
Limit Level 1 sessions to once per week, but include them year-round...
This is the
first place I have encountered someone who advocates high intensity (race pace
or higher) workouts all year 'round. While I personally like the idea myself (I
find it more interesting to do an intense interval workout than long, slow
ones), I'm curious why you believe this to be the right approach.
I certainly
can't speak for Mike, but 1 interval session/week out of 6+ weekly sessions
would be hard to classify as "excessive", and would also keep addaptive value of
those intervals high. It seems to fit in nicely with the overall plan that is
steady progress throughout the "cycleless year".
Plus, as some have
mentioned, "going real fast is fun"
I don't know
if "excessive" is the right word. It's certainly not mine. I think the issue
many coaches and physiologists have with a year-round intensity approach is
two-fold: 1) you can get many of the benefits of this intensity in a relatively
short period of time, and 2) to sustain that kind of intensity training all year
round would take a psychological if not physical toll.
If I remember
correctly, Stephen Seiler (rower and physiologist) would argue that you can get
the benefits of higher intensity workouts in as little as 4-6 weeks. Other folks
suggest longer, but not year-round. Even Mike, in one of his posts, described
how, given his limited available time to train one year, got the bulk of his
improvement in just weeks (and his whole training program was only 26-weeks).
Dec 27 2005, 08:22 PM
I don't know if "excessive" is the right
word. It's certainly not mine. I think the issue many coaches and physiologists
have with a year-round intensity approach is two-fold: 1) you can get many of
the benefits of this intensity in a relatively short period of time, and 2) to
sustain that kind of intensity training all year round would take a
psychological if not physical toll.
If I remember correctly, Stephen
Seiler (rower and physiologist) would argue that you can get the benefits of
higher intensity workouts in as little as 4-6 weeks. Other folks suggest longer,
but not year-round. Even Mike, in one of his posts, described how, given his
limited available time to train one year, got the bulk of his improvement
in just weeks (and his whole training program was only
I think that it
is important not to take Mike's statements out of context. If you follow Mike's
description of the WP program from the beginning to end the philosophy and the
rationale of the various aspects of the program become clear. Mike does not
advocate the same maximum intensity from the beginning of the season to the end
of the season but rather a graduated intensity throughout the training
The level 1 sessions, which should only compromise
3-4% of
total meters for the week, should be
"performed at intensities of 95-105%
of competitive 2K pace".
The distances of these L 1 intervals are a
maximum 1000 m. He recommends that in the beginning of the season to set a pace
that allows an individual to complete
all the intervals within the set
with the first interval being the slowest and the last being the fastest.
Each successive attempt at the same interval set should be a little faster than
the previous interval attempt. In this manner you are increasing your ability to
sustain the higher intensity over time.
If all goes well by the end of
the training session you set a new PB 2k.
In my opinion 26 weeks is a
very long time for a preseason training session. Any longer and there will not
be much time left for the competitive season.
Southington, CT
Fast Forward
Dec 27 2005, 09:00 PM
QUOTE(ragiarn @ Dec 27 2005, 12:22 PM)
I don't know if "excessive" is the right
word. It's certainly not mine. I think the issue many coaches and physiologists
have with a year-round intensity approach is two-fold: 1) you can get many of
the benefits of this intensity in a relatively short period of time, and 2) to
sustain that kind of intensity training all year round would take a
psychological if not physical toll.
If I remember correctly, Stephen
Seiler (rower and physiologist) would argue that you can get the benefits of
higher intensity workouts in as little as 4-6 weeks. Other folks suggest longer,
but not year-round. Even Mike, in one of his posts, described how, given his
limited available time to train one year, got the bulk of his improvement
in just weeks (and his whole training program was only
I think that it is
important not to take Mike's statements out of context.
I think Mike is fairly
consistent in saying that Level 1 intensity is the heart of the WP, and whatever
you do, you don't sacrifice intensity. But, let's use his post as
He says: "At the beginning of a training cycle, the Level 1 8 x
500m pace will be roughly the previous year’s best 2K (perhaps even a little
faster but I would suggest no more than one second)."
That's a high
intensity workout. Period. My point is that there are few folks that advocate
that level of intensity "year round".
I appreciate and understand your
comments about the workouts comprising only a small amount of total workout
time, and how there is a graduated approach to the intensity, but the fact
remains that this approach is rare--in my experience--in the world of training
and racing. Not that it is wrong. I applaud a different, well-considered
I'd like to know more about the reasons for year-round level 1
Dec 27 2005, 09:23 PM
QUOTE(TomR/the elder @ Dec 27 2005, 12:03 PM)
You say your results were
"not good.' I say they look "predictable."
A 2 second/500 M improvement
is an ENORMOUS jump. It's no surprise you blew up.
Do the level 1's
every week, or every other week. Go for small improvements--less than half a
Endurance work always helps, but you're not suddenly going
to go lots faster unless you train to go faster. Be realistic about what you've
prepared yourself to accomplish when you sit down on the machine.
for the feedback!
Yes, you're right, but I have just recently started
with the Wolverine Plan and started very conservatively. I've been trying to
creep up on my training limit for workouts such as this (4 x 1000) because I've
only done it - now - 3 times.
Based on my 2K best, 7:26.1 (1:51.5), I
ought to be able to do the 4 x 1000 in this pace -1 (or so), meaning 1:50.5.
That's what I elected to shoot for, and why. While it was a big improvement to
target, my last 4 x 1000 (done a bit more than a month ago) at the average of
1:52.5 was a challenge, but not a world record effort. This had been an
improvement of -1.3 seconds in pace from the 4 x 1000 before it. I probably
should have shot for a 1:51.5 yesterday, to be safe.
Now I can
recalibrate, back off a bit, and give it another go in a month or so, as that's
what it takes me to work through the three different interval combinations for
L1 in my 6 or 7 workout per week implementation of the WP.
I very much
appreciate the reinforcement of the importance of the L1 and L2 speed work, as
well as the small steps for improvement.
I'm sticking with the
Regards -- Mark
Dec 27 2005, 09:31 PM
QUOTE(Fast Forward @ Dec 27 2005, 01:36 PM)
QUOTE(Mike Caviston @ Dec 26 2005, 05:20 PM)
Why Interval Training? The
heart of the Wolverine Plan is the sub-2k paced Level 1 workouts. ...
Limit Level 1 sessions to once per week, but include them year-round...
This is the
first place I have encountered someone who advocates high intensity (race pace
or higher) workouts all year 'round. While I personally like the idea myself (I
find it more interesting to do an intense interval workout than long, slow
ones), I'm curious why you believe this to be the right approach.
I am very much
not an expert, and certainly would not speak for Mike, but because the Plan
suggests a very balanced mix of speed and distance, with many more meters being
devoted to aerobic work (L3) and "aerobic power per stroke" work (L4), there is,
in my opinion, very little chance of burning out from too much speed work. Doing
an L1 every week or two allows one to stay sharp, while not burning out ... and
seems, to me, to be a smart way of protecting the gains one has made which we
all know can evaporate quickly with poor, little, or no training.
John Rupp
Dec 27 2005, 09:47 PM
Maybe if you ask Ranger, he can help you out
with it.
Dec 27 2005, 09:59 PM
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 27 2005, 08:03 AM)
Thanks all!
Intuitively, it does
seem like I need to do more L3 and L4 work to build my aerobic base. I
probably also need to start adding some HMs to my training. My longest
(continuous) rows are 60' L4 sessions and some 12K L3
Mark, start
bumping up your 12k by 500m each week. That will build to your long workout each
I too am struggling to get back to training, but it feels like I
just need to re-establish my 3 week cycle of L1 & L2 times. The 4x1k gave me
the biggest fall off, but last night the 8x500 came in 4 seconds from my best a
few weeks ago. I needed the confidence to finish it, but I now know what I can
do for next time.
I'm guessing I'm missing about 1 second of pace per
week of slacking off. Getting back to it hurts more because I know I've done
better, and have had a hard time knowing how hard to go.
Suffering with
John Rupp
Dec 27 2005, 10:06 PM
John Rupp
Dec 27 2005, 10:45 PM
QUOTE(John Rupp @ Dec 4 2005, 05:00 PM)
You take one pace, and replace it with
another one.
QUOTE(Polaco @ Dec 5 2005, 12:38 AM)
Thanks for your explanations, I will try
to adjust my paces to my new 2k times and see what happens, it's going to be
hard but this is the point, isn't it?
Apart of this I want to thank you
very much for your advice to all the people at the forum
You are quite
welcome, Polaco!
Dec 27 2005, 11:30 PM
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 27 2005, 04:23 PM)
Based on my 2K best, 7:26.1 (1:51.5), I
ought to be able to do the 4 x 1000 in this pace -1 (or so), meaning
I think you
have this backwards. The 2k should be faster than the 4x1k.
Dec 27 2005, 11:34 PM
QUOTE(bmoore @ Dec 27 2005, 02:30 PM)
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 27 2005, 04:23 PM)
Based on my 2K best, 7:26.1 (1:51.5), I
ought to be able to do the 4 x 1000 in this pace -1 (or so), meaning
I think you
have this backwards. The 2k should be faster than the 4x1k.
The 4 x 1k
will be close to 2k pace.
But if you don't like my version, here is Mikes
most recent posting on it:
"The pace for 4 x 1K will be about 3 seconds
slower than 8 x 500m (or about the same as 2K). These are generalizations, and a
certain amount of variation from person to person is normal."
Dec 28 2005, 12:40 AM
QUOTE(bmoore @ Dec 27 2005, 06:30 PM)
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 27 2005, 04:23 PM)
Based on my 2K best, 7:26.1 (1:51.5), I
ought to be able to do the 4 x 1000 in this pace -1 (or so), meaning
I think you
have this backwards. The 2k should be faster than the 4x1k.
Ummm, I don't
think so ... from Mike's pacing post (or at least
one of them that I cut
and pasted into my WP file):
"For example, if I wanted to row 2K in
6:24 (1:36 pace) by Feb. 25, 2006 [CRASH-B], 1-2 weeks prior to the race I would
want to be able to do a 4 x 2K workout with an average pace of 1:40 or faster
(+4.0), and a 4 x 1K workout with an average pace in the low 1:35s
(-1.0)."Or did I, as usual, miss something?
TomR/the elder
Dec 28 2005, 02:12 AM
The trick is to train at the right pace for you, which as
Paul says will be "close" to 2k pace. You know the right pace when you can do
4x1k (or whatever) at consistent to slightly negative splits and finish w/ a
near-death experience. Then in a week or 2, you overcome your dread of what's
ahead of you, and you do it again, going slightly faster.
Presumably you
do some 2k tests along the way to determine how your 2k relates to your interval
sessions, so you know how to pace yourself during a race. I've never done 2k at
a faster pace than my 4x1k. Mike is different (and a lot faster). But I'm not
getting my chain wrapped around the axle about whether I'm faster in a
particular interval training session or during a race.
The point is to
do the workouts, whatever they may be, according to a plan, trying to go faster
every comparable session. Then you race. Lots of guys beat you. If you've stuck
w/ the plan, you beat a few guys.
Then you go home and start
Mike Caviston
Dec 28 2005, 02:20 AM
QUOTE(mpukita @ Dec 27 2005, 07:40 PM)
Or did I, as usual, miss something?
Mark – you missed
QUOTE(Mike Caviston @ Dec 12 2005, 03:13 PM)
Furthermore, the correlations between 4 x
1K/2K workouts and a 2K race are probably skewed by my experience with the
formats and my overall endurance base. For the majority of people, even
those pretty well-trained, a more reasonable 2K correlation for 4 x 2K is + 5,
and 4 x 1K = 2K.
This illustrates
pretty conveniently the relationship between training for endurance and training
for speed using the Wolverine Plan. The core, the most important aspect of
training, is high-intensity Level 1 work. This develops the power to support a
fast 2K in competition. But greater endurance results in less fatigue for a
given power output – not only during a race (very important) but also during
training (extremely important!) The basic approach with WP training is to do L1
& L2 every week, and fit in as much L3 & L4 work as necessary to achieve
your ultimate goal. The actual amount of L3/L4 work will depend on whether your
goal is to set a world record vs. just maintain some semblance of health &
fitness. I fit a lot of endurance work into my training; currently my long
weekly row is 25K continuous (i.e., __without__breaks). This gives me the
endurance to go hard for 1K, recover more completely afterward, and go hard
again for 1Ks 2, 3 and 4. The greater intensity for 4 x 1K in turn develops
greater speed for my 2K. That’s why the WP is all about intensity – how to
maximize it and keep increasing it – even though the actual amount of
high-intensity work is proportionately only a couple percent of the total
training volume.
Hang in there with your training. When I get a chance,
I have some more observations about handling time off/training
Mike Caviston
Dec 28 2005, 02:34 AM
I must have had it backwards, but I thought
it was that way. As you know, I don't have the personal experience to correlate
the performance between the workouts and the races. Plus, like you, I'm in (or
was) in a significant improvement phase, so every few weeks the potential paces
kept dropping.
I am also interested in Mike's observations on time
off/interruptions. The new baby in November was expected, and I was way too
optimistic in my ability to keep training and do everything else.
doing my long L3 row tonight of 17k @ 2:00. It's nice to not have to worry about
the intensity tonight.
Mike Caviston
Dec 28 2005, 02:52 AM
QUOTE(Fast Forward @ Dec 27 2005, 01:36 PM)
This is the first place I have
encountered someone who advocates high intensity (race pace or higher) workouts
all year 'round. While I personally like the idea myself (I find it more
interesting to do an intense interval workout than long, slow ones), I'm curious
why you believe this to be the right approach.
Please start by
reviewing the past 30-something pages of this thread.
QUOTE(Fast Forward @ Dec 27 2005, 02:26 PM)
I think the issue many coaches and
physiologists have with a year-round intensity approach is two-fold: 1) you can
get many of the benefits of this intensity in a relatively short period of time,
and 2) to sustain that kind of intensity training all year round would take a
psychological if not physical toll.
1) My concern is
rapid gains that plateau too soon. Rather than kill myself for six weeks, I work
pretty hard steadily for 26, and ultimately reach a higher peak.
Psychological toll? Abso-freakin’-lutely. My advice again and again and again is
to start at a challenging but realistic point and progress
slowly and
steadily for the duration. Still, the risk of burning out early is real.
This ain’t no sissy plan.
QUOTE(Fast Forward @ Dec 27 2005, 04:00 PM)
He says: "At the beginning of a training
cycle, the Level 1 8 x 500m pace will be roughly the previous year’s best 2K
(perhaps even a little faster but I would suggest no more than one
That's a high intensity workout. Period. My point is that there are
few folks that advocate that level of intensity "year round".
I’m not sure what
your personal experience with 8 x 500m has been, but for me and many other
people, 8 x 500m @ 2K pace (with adequate recovery between pieces) is not too
demanding. It’s actually pretty enjoyable. Not at all the same as pushing 2K –
4, or doing 4 x 1K @ 2K – 1. My plan is to not
really push the limits
until 6-8 weeks before the peak competition. But doing Level 1 workouts for the
entire season will leave me in position to be even faster for those final 6-8
weeks than otherwise. I’ve described thoroughly my strategy of mapping out my
pace for increasing Level 1 intensity gradually over the course of a season and
keeping the intensity within the context of overall fitness.
I'd like to know more about the reasons
for year-round level 1 training.
it results in faster 2K times than
not doing Level 1 training
Thanks very much for your comments.
Dec 28 2005, 03:01 AM
QUOTE(Mike Caviston @ Dec 28 2005, 01:52 AM)
QUOTE(Fast Forward @ Dec 27 2005, 02:26 PM)
I think the issue many coaches and
physiologists have with a year-round intensity approach is two-fold: 1) you can
get many of the benefits of this intensity in a relatively short period of time,
and 2) to sustain that kind of intensity training all year round would take a
psychological if not physical toll.
1) My concern is
rapid gains that plateau too soon. Rather than kill myself for six weeks, I work
pretty hard steadily for 26, and ultimately reach a higher peak.
Psychological toll? Abso-freakin’-lutely. My advice again and again and again is
to start at a challenging but realistic point and progress
slowly and
steadily for the duration. Still, the risk of burning out early is real.
This ain’t no sissy
What would you
advocate, as far as training is concerned, for the other 26 weeks of the
Dec 28 2005, 03:12 AM
What would you advocate, as far as training is
concerned, for the other 26 weeks of the
How 'bout "sex, drugs and rock 'n

Dec 28 2005, 03:25 AM
QUOTE(anthonys @ Dec 27 2005, 06:12 PM)
What would you advocate, as far as
training is concerned, for the other 26 weeks of the
How 'bout "sex, drugs and rock 'n

Mike would
never advocate drugs....
Mike Caviston
Dec 28 2005, 03:49 AM
QUOTE(FrancoisA @ Dec 27 2005, 10:01 PM)
What would you advocate, as far as
training is concerned, for the other 26 weeks of the year?
Already been there, talked about
that to an extent. Essentially, just a kinder, gentler version of the 26 weeks
in-season. This is one of the many topics I hope to eventually discuss
Mike Caviston
Mike Caviston
Dec 28 2005, 03:52 AM
QUOTE(PaulS @ Dec 27 2005, 10:25 PM)
Mike would never advocate drugs....
Certainly not! I’d be willing to take
up the slack with sex, but it turns out that the ladies aren’t clamoring for
middle-aged erg freaks as much as I might hope. But I’m
all over that
rock ‘n’ roll…
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