Hey Carla! Welcome back! I was wondering where you've
been. It sounds like you have been doing a lot of bike riding! That's awesome!
I'm sure you will do great on the century race - especially if this heat lets up
by then! I can't imagine doing that much riding in this disgusting heat. How do
you get enough water?
I'm sorry to hear your back is giving you some
trouble. When you do get back on the machine again PLEASE take it easy!! (and
I'm not just saying that so I can catch up with you! ha, ha!!) Xeno's been
posting some great info about form and making sure you drive from rotating the
hips. Another way to put this that one of my coaches so eloquently put was
'imagine squeezing a dime between your buttocks during the drive.' I know that
sounds strange but it really makes you use the right muscles rather than putting
the strain on the lower back. It's worked for me all these years. I've had
intercostle tears, popped ribs, torn stomach muscles, pulled glute muscles,
carpel tunnel, pulled achillies...but never a lower back problem.
welcome back and good luck with the bike race!! You'll be great!